Altaïr ibn La-Ahad

Altaïr ibn La-Ahad, (Arabic: الطائر ابن لا أحد aṭ-ṭāʾir ibn lā ʾaḥad),(Flying One - Son of None) usually known by the mononym Altaïr, is an assassin who lived during the Crusades. His name is Arabic for 'The Flying One' or 'Bird of Prey' and is pronounced in three syllables. "Ibn La-Ahad" means "Son of no one". Altair is the greatest assassin to have ever lived. Ben Reeves of GameInformer adds that the "name of the top assassin...is also the name of a star in the constellation Aquila - Aquila being another name meaning eagle. Not coincidentally Ezio is the Italian form of a Greek name that also means "eagle". Altaïr is the great-great-great-grandfather of Ezio Auditore da Firenze, and an ancestor of Desmond Miles.

Altaïr was born the shia of a Muslim father and a Christian mother. During his childhood he left for Masyaf in order to begin his Assassin training. Altaïr felt little at the death of his parents when they died due to the nature of the Assassin order. Prior to the events of the series, Altaïr trained under Al Mualim and quickly rose above his brethren in ability mastering several weapons and skills ranging from hand to hand combat to sword fighting. This caught both Al Mualim's eye and favor, and Altaïr was quickly promoted to the rank of Master Assassin.

Nothing is known Altair's background information, including where or exactly when he was born (though current information from the Assassin's Creed instruction manual states 1165 AD). His parents, and relatives (if any) are unknown.

In the codex pages Altair states that he never felt a connection between his parents and himself and that when he left them it was nothing more than departing "two strangers." He also stated that it was Al Mualim who cared for him and that it was enough for him during that stage of his life.

The game is set in 1191 during the Third Crusade. Altaïr has become overconfident and arrogant because of his rank within the Assassin's Order. He followed the Assassin's Creed, though when sent to fetch an artifact for Al Mualim, he encounters Robert de Sable and his men, and attempts to kill them. Robert and the rest of the Templars retaliate by attacking Masyaf, killing many of its citizens before being forced to run by an intricate trap activated by Altaïr. When Al Mualim discovers that he broke all three rules of the Creed, he demotes Altaïr to the rank of a Novice. Over the course of the game Altaïr must kill nine key targets (later revealed to be Knights Templar) threatening to tear apart the Holy Land.

After assassinating eight of these men, Robert de Sable, the Grand Master of the Templars, is the only remaining target that Altaïr must confront. Richard the Lionheart witnesses Altaïr accusing Sable of his plans, but Sable declines them. As a result, Richard orders for Altaïr and Sable to battle, letting God choose who will be triumphant. Altaïr and Sable clash swords, but Altaïr manages to finally gain the upper-hand and kills Sable, letting Richard come to realize that God chose for Altaïr to be victorious and that he was telling the truth. But during Sable's last words, he mentioned Al Mualim being the last of the targets. Altaïr heads back to Masyaf to confront Al Mualim. At first, the man is able to hold the Piece of Eden, but before dueling Altaïr Al Mualim uses the apple of Eden to bring back the Templar leaders Altair had to kill to face Altair again but, as an illusion, after that Al Mualim makes clones of himself to duel Altair before dueling Altair one on one, Altair defeats him and then, the Apple of Eden is taken out of his grasp. Altaïr then sees a projection of all the other Pieces around the world, ending the game there.

During one break on using the Animus 2.0, Desmond suffers a hallucination that returns him to the body of Altaïr in Acre. He then has intercourse with Maria, a Templar he had earlier spared. When Altaïr departs, Desmond finds the memory staying with Maria, moves in to her womb, meaning she may be pregnant with Altaïr's child, and leaves him confused as he recovers.

At the point when Assassin's Creed II begins, Altaïr has been dead for over two centuries. However, it is known that he left a Codex that his descendant, Ezio, later finds. In it, he left a secret map which reveals the locations of Pieces of Eden scattered all over the world. The Codex pages also reveal that Altaïr invented several new improvements and technologies, such as allowing the Hidden Blade to be used without removing one's ring finger, and compacting a wheellock firearm on the assassin's wrist, as well as two hidden blades instead of one. In the game the player can obtain Altaïr's all-black armor as well as his sword. The final page of the Codex states that Altaïr left for Mongolia with his family in his old age to assassinate Genghis Khan. It is unknown if they succeeded, however Genghis Khan's death is attributed to a Mongolian assassin by one of the statues found beneath Villa Auditore in the game.

The year is 1190 AD, and the Third Crusade is engulfing the Holy Land. Crusaders clash with Saracens for control of the Holy City, Jerusalem. The game takes place before the events of the original Assassin's Creed. Altaïr is tasked by Al-Mualim to find and retrieve a sacred object: the Chalice. It is said to have the power to unite under one flag all the factions of whatever side possesses it — either the Crusaders or the Saracens — and end the Third Crusade in victory for one side or the other. But the Chalice is too powerful an object to be left in the hands of men alone: It must be found and destroyed.

After learning that the Chalice is kept in Jerusalem he manages to get there before the main antagonist which is the Templar leader, Basilisk. There he successfully rescues the Chalice from a group of Templars. Altaïr identifies the Chalice as Adha, the woman he knew and liked before the events of game. From her, he learns that the Templars have paid off Harash, the second-in-command of the Assassins. Altaïr then plans to attack Alep, the assassin fortress, kill Harash and run away with Adha, but after making his way through Harash's assassin guards and killing him, Adha is kidnapped by Basilisk and taken to their port in Tyre.

Altaïr fights through the Templar knights and kills Lord Basilisk in one final confrontation on his ship. But Adha is on a different ship, which escapes before Altaïr can catch it. He swims to shore and, seeing the Templar ship far off in the distance, yells "I will find you, Adha!".

The game takes place before the events of Assassin's Creed II, but after the events of the original Assassin's Creed. The game is set on the island of Cyprus, taking the player to two of its cities, Limassol and Kyrenia. Altaïr has traveled to Cyprus from the Holy Land, the setting of the first game, in order to assassinate the last remnants of the Templars. Bloodlines includes more face time with Maria, the female Templar that was spared by Altaïr in Assassin's Creed.

Although the player is told the Altair is long dead, it is implied by the final page of the codex that he has used the apple to become immortal.

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